woensdag 22 mei 2013

Maple Banana Cake

Maple Banana Cake

Shopping List:

100 gr butter, softened
8 tablespoons maple or ahorn syrup, plus extra to serve
3 small ripe bananas and 1 over-ripe banana
200 gr soft light brown sugar
4 eggs, free range please
2 teaspoons vanilla paste or the seeds scraped from 2 vanilla pods
or 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
200 gr self-raising flour
100 gr ground almonds
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
200 gr Greek Yoghurt

Preheat your oven to 160C. Grease or spray and line you square 20cm cake tin. Pour in half of the maple syrup, swirling a bit to coat the bottom. Cut the 3 little bananas in half, lenghtways and lay them, the cut side down, in your prepared tin.

Then you beat the butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla and the over-ripe banana together in your bowl with an electric whisk.
Then you gently fold in the flour, ground almonds and the bicarb and lastly the greek yoghurt.
Gently spoon this mixture into your prepared tin making sure the bananas don't move. Please use a tray to put the tin onto, it leaks a bit and you might not feel like cleaning your oven.

Bake this in your prepared oven for about 60-75 minutes or until your cake-tester comes out clean or with some moist crumbs. If your cake gets to dark, put some alu-foil over it. Poke your cake all over with your cake-tester, about half way, then pour another tablespoon of syrup over it so the can can soak this up.

Carefully turn out the cake upside-down and gently peel off the baking paper.
 Serve warm with a bit of extra syrup.


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