maandag 20 mei 2013

Bolo de Chocolate da Gisele

Bolo de Chocolate da Gisele

(A very good chocolaty chocolate cake)

Shopping List:

250 gr butter
300 gr light brown soft sugar or Muscovado
100 gr plain flour
100 gr self-raising flour
5 eggs, free range please
300 gr dark chocolate (with a 69+ % cocoa solids) Melted: Au Bain Marie

For the Icing:

200 gr dark chocolate (with a high % cocoa solids)
200 ml double cream
Raspberries @ leisure

Preheat your oven to 160C.   Grease or spray and line your two 20cm round cake tins. If you use only one, you will have to slice it in half horizontally.
With your electric whisk, beat the butter and the sugar until light and fluffy and a creamy consistency. Measure the flours, put on the left. Beat in the eggs, one at the time, adding 1 - 2 tablespoons of flour if it starts to split. Which i am sure will not happen to you. Pour the 300 gr melted au bain marie and slightly cooled dark chocolate into your wet mixture at the same time beating as you do. Fold in the rest of the flour. Spoon the mixture into your tin(s) and bake for 1 to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Test with your cake tester if it comes out clean. The cake should be risen and yes it will have a split crust on top. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then turn out to cool further on your wire rack. If you have used 1 tin you can now split the cake horizontally.

Icing: Melt the chocolate and the cream together, au bain marie again. Cool until it is slightly thickened.  Sandwich the cakes together with the chocolate icing, then spread the rest over the outside.

Scatter some raspberries or other fruits over it. If you want.


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