donderdag 12 november 2015

Dutch Pear Cake from The Netherlands from my Kitchencourt Lane Bakery

This cake is made with stewed pears. I buy them in a jar but you can stew them yourself in your crockpot with pear sugar and gieser wildemann pears. They are delicious on their own with a little cream as a dessert but just a slice of this cake is irresistable as well. You could add some chopped walnuts in the mixture if you like.

You will need:

200 gr sugar
150 gr soft butter
4 eggs (L)
1 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin or apple spices
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
250 gr plain flour
1/8 teaspoon salt

1 jar or tin of pears

1. Spray and line your caketin with baking paper. Set your oven to 300F. (150 C. )

2. Put the butter and the sugar in a bowl and mix until it's creamy. Add the eggs, one by one, mixing well after each addition. Add spices and extract.

3. Gently add the flour and the salt until everything is well combined.

4. Pour the mixture into your caketin. Sieve the pears over a bowl and keep the juice. Stick the pears straight-up into the mixture.

5. Bake the cake in 1 hour and 45 minutes, or until your caketester comes out clean.

6. Leave the cake in the tin for about 10 minutes, turn it out, take off the paper and leave to cool on your wire rack.

7. If you want you can cook the juice with some sugar until syrupy and poor over the cake. Or drink the juice yourself.

                                "Enjoy Baking"!!!!

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