dinsdag 8 januari 2013

Gojiberry & Hazelnut Cupcakes

Gojiberry & Hazelnut Cupcakes

Makes 12                          Prep: 25 + cooling                          Bake: 20 mins

What do we need:

150 gr softened butter
175 gr caster sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
175 gr self-raising flour
plus extra for dusting
pinch of salt
3 tablespoons milk
about 75 gr ground hazelnuts
small bag of dried gojiberries
soaked in water (not long)

For the topping

ground block of chocolate
about 50 gr

100 gr softened butter
200 gr icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
hazelnuts and Gojiberries (soaked but dry)
to decorate or decorate as you please

1. Preheat your oven to 180C. Put the cupcake papercases in the muffin tin. Cream the butter and the sugar until pale and light. Gradually add the beaten eggs and the vanilla.

2. Sift together the flour and salt and mix the mixture smooth with the milk. Add the ground hazelnuts into the mixture. Put the Gojiberries in a bowl and toss them with about a tablespoon of flour then stir them gently into the mixture.  Divide between the cases, filling them  two-thirds full.

3. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden and well risen. Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before transferring them to your wire rack to cool.

4. For the buttercream, beat together the butter, icing sugar and vanilla until pale and creamy. Stir in the ground chocolate. Spread the buttercream onto each cooled cupcake. Top with the soaked but dry Gojiberries and a whole hazelnut, or decorate as you want. Maybe dollymixture or white chocolate curls. Or smarties.


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